GSTAM2024 provides leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Traditional and Alternative Medicine. Accordingly , Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Japanese Medicine (Kampo)
Traditional Korean medicine
Arabic and Unani Medicine
Bridging Traditional Chinese Medicine
Research Ethics in Traditional Medicine
Patents and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Folk Medicine and Remedies
Indigenous or Tribal Medicine
Medicinal Plant and Herbal Medicine
History and Philosophy of Herbal Medicine
Phytovigilance of Herbal Medicines
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
Herbals in Cosmetics and Skincare
Recent Advances in Herbs and Natural Remedies
Quality Control and Marketing of Herbal Products
Medicinal uses of Plants for Nervous Disorder
Plants and Essential Oils
Sidda Medicine and Allopathy
Yoga and Mindfulness
Naturopathic Medicine
Holistic Medicine
Chiropractic And Osteopathic Medicine
Pathology and Clinical Medicine
Papillomavirus Vaccination as Alternative Treatment